
Diablo 2 blizzard
Diablo 2 blizzard

diablo 2 blizzard

  • Use Teleport to move from place to place, to reposition yourself, and your Mercenary.
  • This is useful to keep Fire Immunes stunned while your Mercenary takes them down. In addition, you can also use it to Knockback mobs and keep them stunned. These uses give lots of small-time saves that add up.
  • Use Telekinesis any time you can on Waypoints, Town Portals, your stash and to pick up utility items such as Potions and Scrolls from a distance.
  • Cast Frozen Armor and Energy Shield prior to entering combat situations to maintain their durations.
  • * Skills that do NOT utilize either FCR or IAS Warmth * gives you some passive Mana Regeneration.įire Mastery * boosts the Fire Damage to all of your Fire Skills. Ranged monsters are not affected by this at all.Įnergy Shield * gives you the ability to take a portion of damage with your Mana Pool instead of your Life Pool. Use it on Cold Immune mobs and bosses with high Life pools.įrozen Armor * protects your Character with an icy armor that freezes enemies who use melee attacks on you. It can only bring a monster’s Life down to 1 in Normal, 33% in Nightmare and 50% in Hell. Static Field * deals Lightning Damage equal to 25% of the enemy’s current Life.

    diablo 2 blizzard

    You can also use it to Knockback mobs and keep them stunned. It can be used on your Stash, Waypoints, Portals, and utility items (Potions, Scrolls, etc.). Telekinesis * allows you to interact with objects from a distance to save time.

    diablo 2 blizzard

    This is what gives the Sorceress a huge advantage early on. Teleport * allows you to travel large distances quickly, and go through gaps and walls.

    Diablo 2 blizzard