
Flat white worms in dogs
Flat white worms in dogs

flat white worms in dogs

To top off the yuck factor, they are often moving! Your pet might vomit up a big pile of them or pass a pocketful of them in poop. These worms occur in dogs ( Toxocara canis) and cats ( Toxocara cati) and are super-obvious spaghetti-looking worms that are highly visible to the naked eye. The 6 Major GI Parasites of Dogs and Cats Roundworms are visible to the human eye and look like spaghetti. There are truly only 6 GI parasites common in the dog and/or cat, the first 4 of which are, well, worms. That’s because all GI worms are parasites but not all GI parasites are worms. “Worms” - this is actually a common misnomer for gastrointestinal (GI) parasites. I’ll answer these questions and more in this article. Does that mean my dog can give me worms?” “She just licked my face and I saw worms yesterday.“There’s little white things around my cat’s anus.”.“My dog just vomited these worms that look like spaghetti.”.That’s why that all-important stool sample should be checked as part of a complete checkup.Īnyone who’s ever had phone duty in a small animal practice is familiar with the horrified voice on the other end: Did you know that some of the most dangerous worms are never even seen by the naked eye? They are microscopic.

Flat white worms in dogs